Link: Guide to Being an Introvert

The Ultimate Guide to Being an Introvert, by James Altucher. There are a lot of things I identify with in this post (surprise surprise, I’m also an introvert), and I appreciate that he calls out a common misconception about introversion: “Being an introvert has nothing to do with being shy. Or being outgoing or not outgoing. Or being socially awkward. All it means is that some people recharge when they are by themselves (introverts).

Found via As Jason points out, I think a lot of us can sympathize with that desire to connect and socialize with others, but getting drained to the point of being at a loss for words.

On Being an Introvert at Big Conferences

On Being an Introvert at Big Conferences (Aaron Hockley)

I completely agree with his summation: as an introvert, I still enjoy and appreciate the conferences I attend, still find the social element rewarding and valuable. But I have to pace myself, and make room for needing to withdraw and recharge from time to time.