Atlas by Battles

Pure, unadulterated, energetic play. That would be the best way to describe “Atlas” by Battles. They categorize their music as “Other”, and honestly that’s as good a descriptor as any. Think what would happen if you took Primus, and mixed it with Animal Collective, and that would probably give you a pretty good idea for what I’m talking about: the song operates as a cascade, with everything occurring within a set rhythm and cycling scale, adding and dropping instruments throughout in response, with a real feel of a call and response happening between one musician and another. I can’t even begin to describe how awesome that can sound when it’s done well, and in this case, it’s done quite well indeed.

“Atlas” conjures up images some sort of giant, lumbering beast, bouncing around the room like a dancing buffalo. Intrigued by the image? Go take a listen.

[“Atlas” by Battles Free MP3] (KEXP Song of the Day)

[Battles on MySpace]

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