It’s Valentine’s Day, which seemed like a good day to share a quick playlist of relationship goals. How about you, dear reader? What songs describe your relationship goals?
There’s no need to sharpen my pencils anymore — my pencils are sharp enough. Even the dull ones will make a mark. Warts and all. Let’s start this shit up. (Ze Frank)
I completely agree. I also feel the online protests today are invaluable: it’s not enough to defeat these bills. We need to make it absolutely and abundantly clear that these sorts of laws are unacceptable.
I’d go farther than that, though: I sincerely hope that this pushback will cause dialogue to be opened up about revisiting the nature of intellectual property and copyright — and I mean REAL dialogue, not just specific industries with a vested interest in locking in more power and restrictions. We need to acknowledge that the idea of the Commons has grown. Scrap what we have and go in with no preconceived notions, go back to the original discussions of copyright (and patents and trademarks…) and ask the question of what exactly we need to protect and how much.